Presentation Transcripts

Latest Update : June 6, 2023

Back to Financial Results (FY3/2023)

Investor Meeting Presentation for FY 3/2023 held on May 11, 2023

Table of Contents

I am now Chairman CEO under the new management structure. Although President Yoshida is seven years younger than me, he joined the company fresh out of college and is more knowledgeable than I am when it comes to human resources.
Mr. Iwakuma from MITSUMI (who will be promoted from executive officer to managing executive officer as of June 29) has been appointed MITSUMI president. I expect him to tap into and train MITSUMI's excellent talent pool.
The left part of the slide shows my personal management system. You start with a management philosophy, and then add management policies and strategies. Only then can you decide what ideas to execute, develop execution strategies, and take actions to execute them. In the past, I have basically done everything, but from now on, I think that as CEO I should only go as far as determining what to do and leave the execution strategies as well as the rest to the COO. However, I cannot suddenly leave everything to Mr. Yoshida, and naturally there are things that only I can do. So, I'll still have a hand in the executive action part of the process for a while longer.
In the future, as the color gradient in this diagram shows, I would like to gradually let the executive team take over execution strategies and the rest.

41page (total 47pages)

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