Presentation Transcripts

Latest Update : June 6, 2023

Back to Financial Results (FY3/2023)

Investor Meeting Presentation for FY 3/2023 held on May 11, 2023

Table of Contents

Since there were several special factors such as one time costs and one time profits in this fiscal year, we will use this chart to organize them.

Firstly, operating income was estimated 102 billion yen in the initial forecast made in May last year.
Compared to this, there were gain on the sale of former Tokyo HQ and others as one time profit 40.4 billion yen and one time costs of structural reform cost minus 17.2 billion yen and FX forward contract minus 8.7 billion yen.
Excluding these special factors, we estimate that the downside of the business was 15 billion yen.

It means that the operating income on a business basis excluding these special factors was 87 billion yen.

7page (total 47pages)

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