Presentation Transcripts

Latest Update : June 6, 2023

Back to Financial Results (FY3/2023)

Investor Meeting Presentation for FY 3/2023 held on May 11, 2023

Table of Contents

First off, it seems that the smartphone, data storage, and automobile industries are all currently undergoing adjustments, but the data storage market will be sure to recover in the second half of this year.
I have been told that new storage demand is emerging in the market, such as the need to install graphics microcontrollers for ChatGPT and other products.
Since the problems related to semiconductors and supply chains are being resolved, the automotive sector should gradually improve and production increase.
It may take time to reduce inventory in the supply chain, but the most important thing is the kind of picture we can paint in the post-adjustment phase, i.e., once inventory adjustments are done.
What I want to emphasize to you today is that we have finally completed the launch pad for accelerated growth, and that our Eight Spears and INTEGRATION products will definitely be our growth drivers going forward.

26page (total 47pages)

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