Presentation Transcripts

Latest Update : June 6, 2023

Back to Financial Results (FY3/2023)

Investor Meeting Presentation for FY 3/2023 held on May 11, 2023

Table of Contents

This slide shows the quarterly trends.

Fourth quarter net sales decreased 2.7% quarter on quarter to total 49.1 billion yen.
Sales of ball bearings decreased 6.0% quarter on quarter to total 35.3 billion yen. The monthly external shipment volume was down 8.2% quarter on quarter for an average of 206 million units. This was due to slowdown in the market, mainly for data centers.
Sales of rod-ends and fasteners, totaling 9.8 billion yen, were up 2.0% over the previous quarter. Sales increased with the recovery of aircraft production.
Sales of pivot assemblies increased 21.5% quarter on quarter to total 4.0 billion yen.

Operating income for the quarter totaled 8.7 billion yen, and the operating margin was 17.7%. On a quarter on quarter basis, operating income decreased 24.9% while the operating margin dropped 5.2 percentage points.
Looking at the results by product, we see that operating income for ball bearings and pivot assemblies decreased quarter on quarter while operating income for rod-ends and fasteners was increased compared with last quarter.

These include the impact of the special factors as noted earlier.

12page (total 47pages)

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