Presentation Transcripts

Latest Update : June 6, 2023

Back to Financial Results (FY3/2023)

Investor Meeting Presentation for FY 3/2023 held on May 11, 2023

Table of Contents

Here shows the difference between the forecast as of February and actual results for net sales and operating income by business segment for the fourth quarter.

Net sales for the machined components business were higher than projected mainly due to steady sales of bearings and aircraft components.
In the electronic devices and components business, although sales of HDD motors fell short of our forecast, overall sales were higher than projected thanks to steady sales of other motors and LED backlights.
The MITSUMI business experienced lower-than-expected sales, mainly for optical devices.
Net sales for the U-Shin business were generally on track with the forecast.

Operating income for the machined components business and the electronic devices and components business were generally on track with the forecast if the special factors were to be excluded.
Operating income for the MITSUMI business fell below our forecast due to the special factors and declined revenue associated with the slowdown in the optical device sales.
The U-Shin business' operating income was less than projected, due to deterioration in regional & product mix, even if we excluded the special factors.

10page (total 47pages)

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