Relationships with Local Communities and Global Society  Back Number (2019)

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Basic Approach

As an enterprise operating on a global scale, the MinebeaMitsumi Group believes in the importance of building sound partnerships with local communities through good communication. To establish firm roots in those communities, we carry out social contribution activities meeting local needs based upon our "Five Principles."

Contributing to Global Society

Initiatives in Mexico

Support for Vocational Training

image : Employees participate in cleanup following a typhoon

Employees participate in cleanup following a typhoon

Mitsumi Automotive de Mexico collaborates with a nearby vocational school to raise the technical skill levels of students.

The vocational school and plant cooperate to provide a dual program that enables students to study at both the school and the plant. The plant is the only Japanese-affiliated firm in the state of San Luis Potosi and hired approximately 50 students as employees, garnering high praise from both school personnel and the students' parents. In addition to studying at the school, the students can gain practical experience, contributing to the solid grounding of their learning including personal growth and enhancement of technical skills as they become adult members of society.

Initiatives in China

Supporting Community Development

image : Employees of Qingdao Mitsumi Electronics who visited a welfare facility for the elderly

Employees of Qingdao Mitsumi Electronics who visited a welfare facility for the elderly

MinebeaMitsumi Group plants in China undertake various measures to support the development of local communities.

Plants contribute and donate supplies to the elderly in welfare facilities and children in impoverished households, and employees make efforts to deepen relationships with local residents. In addition, in areas that have been affected by natural disasters such as typhoons, flooding, and earthquakes, employees collect donations to support rapid recovery and participate in cleanup programs in the affected regions. Various programs are conducted to support community development such as holding blood drives.

Initiatives in Cambodia

Support for National Soccer Team

image : The Cambodian national soccer team uniform

The Cambodian national soccer team uniform

Minebea (Cambodia) became an official partner of the Cambodia national soccer team and entered into a sponsorship agreement with the Football Federation of Cambodia in June 2019. Soccer is one of the most popular sports in Cambodia, and by supporting competition and other activities by the national team on the international stage, the company is contributing to the further growth of the younger generations who support the Cambodian economy.

Initiatives in Thailand

Supporting Community Reinvigoration

image : Completion ceremony for the pedestrian bridge

Completion ceremony for the pedestrian bridge

NMB-Minebea Thai Ltd. constructed a new pedestrian bridge in front of its Lopburi Plant in collaboration with a nearby shopping center in October 2018.

The pedestrian bridge crosses a major, six-lane road with heavy traffic in an area where it can be dangerous to cross. This project was conducted in cooperation with local residents as a memorial to King Bhumibol, who passed away in 2016. The bridge contributes to the safety not only of employees, but also local community members.

Contributing to Local Communities

Support for Earthquake Recovery

MinebeaMitsumi established the "Charitable Trust- MinebeaMitsumi Scholarship Fund for Orphans of the Great East Japan Earthquake" as an endowment for children orphaned by the Great East Japan Earthquake. The scholarship fund provides annual grants of 100,000 yen to orphans of elementary school and junior high age, and 300,000 yen upon graduation of junior high school. Every March third-year junior high school children receiving support from the trust are invited to Tokyo to celebrate their graduation alongside employee supporters.

Participating as an Employee Supporter

image : Noriko Uemura

Noriko Uemura
Tokyo Customer Group
Customer Service Center
Domestic Sales Department

I participated as a supporter with the knowledge that we are providing not just monetary support, but also emotional support to the children. The moment we met for the first time, the nervous and straight-faced children began to smile, and they had an energetic and enjoyable time over the two days. I was very happy hearing about their expectations and dreams for their new lives starting in the spring.

I hope to continue efforts as an individual that will make it possible for the company to continue supporting children, whether they are in Japan or other countries.

Zero Waste Event

image : Participants


The Mitsumi Electric Tama Business Division conducted cleanup activities in nearby areas on May 30, 2018, which was zero waste day.

This campaign is conducted every year in cooperation with other local businesses that are in agreement with the intent of the program, and in FY2018, one additional company joined in, bringing the total to six. On the day of the event, 15 employees split into four teams to collect empty cans, plastic bottles, cigarette butts, and other domestic waste. In FY 2018, the company was commended by the city of Tama pursuant to the Tama City Environmental Beautification Ordinance.

Support for Certified NPO Asama Highland Sports Club

image : The MinebeaMitsumi Cup curling tournament

The MinebeaMitsumi Cup curling tournament

As part of its amateur sports promotion, the Karuizawa Plant supports curling through donations to the Asama Highland Sports Club, a certified incorporated nonprofit organization. The monetary donations are used to assist the club in holding curling competitions and support junior and wheelchair teams.

Sponsorship of Sports Event

image : An employee provides an explanation to the children

An employee provides an explanation to the children

Every year, the Yonago Plant supports the Yonago Citizens' Memorial Regatta with the aim of contributing to local development. At the 50th Commemorative Regatta, held in FY2018, a special competitive race among the five prefectures of the Chugoku region, was held for the MinebeaMitsumi Cup.

A total of 88 teams entered the general participation race, and many people enjoyed the regatta. The Yonago Plant entered five teams in the regatta and achieved good results, placing in the top three in each category.

Regular Discussions with the Community

image : A Meeting with the community at the Yonago Plant

A Meeting with the community at the Yonago Plant

The Karuizawa and Yonago plants hold regular discussions with members of their local communities to facilitate continual dialogue.

The Karuizawa Plant holds semiannual discussions with local community members. At the eleventh and twelfth regular meetings held in May and November 2018, plant employees and community members exchanged ideas on a broad range of topics including disaster preparedness planning, accident response drills, community development, and road maintenance.

The Yonago Plant held its fourth meeting in October 2018. At the meeting, Yonago City Mayor Takashi Igi and three other city officials participated, and ideas were exchanged on various themes such as reinvigorating the city, encouraging new residents to relocate to the city, employment, and other topics.

Future Issues and Goals

By continuing to make active contributions to local communities in and outside Japan, the MinebeaMitsumi Group will strive to be an organization which deepens its community roots and expands sustainably with local communities.

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