Relationships with Local Communities and Global Society Back Number (2017)
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Basic Approach
As an enterprise operating on a global scale, the MinebeaMitsumi Group believes in the importance of building sound partnerships with local communities through good communication. To establish firm roots in those communities, we carry out social contribution activities meeting local needs based upon our "Five Principles."
Contributing to Global Society
Initiatives in Europe
Activities to Support Regional Education
We undertake activities to support the education of young people through all of our bases in Europe.
At our Lincoln Plant in the UK, we offer a one to two week work experience program to students in the region.
Meanwhile, our subsidiary myonic s.r.o., in Slovakia, supports sports events at elementary schools and makes donations to a school for hearing-impaired children.
Initiatives in China
Supporting Community Development
Social exchange at a facility for the elderly
At the Zhuhai Plant in China (Minebea Electronics Motor (Zhuhai) Co., Ltd.), employee volunteers participate in a program to deliver donated goods to the elderly in senior citizen homes and children in welfare facilities. Employee volunteers deliver traditional Chinese cakes and other food supplies as well as stationery and other goods needed by the facilities. They also take part in recreational and other activities to deepen friendships with people at the facilities.
Our Shanghai Plant conducts various activities to support community development. It dispatches employees to provide support at hospital when local people with disabilities visit hospital for a check-up.
Initiatives in the Philippines
Donations for Construction at Local Elementary Schools
Participants in the charity marathon
Our production base in the Philippines, Cebu Mitsumi, hosts a charity marathon each year.
The event provides an opportunity for employees to improve their health, while aiming to raise funds for facilities and educational materials for local schools. The event was held for the fourth time in April 2017, and 817 people took part. The construction of two classrooms at elementary schools in the city is planned with the money collected through event t-shirt sales and donations.
Initiatives in Thailand
Coral Conservation Activities
Participants in coral conservation activities
NMB-Minebea Thai conducts activities to support environmental conservation in local communities.
In December 2016, we lent our support to coral conservation activities in Samaesarn island, Chonburi province with the aim of assisting protection of the ocean ecology. Approximately 100 employees took part in planting 140 coral polyps in the ocean at a marine research facility on the island.
Participation in Coral Conservation Activities
It was my first time to take part in the activities. I learned about coral and the ocean's ecosystem, which was a great opportunity to realize how grateful we should be for our environment. In the future, I hope to share what I learned with staff who weren't able to join us to help raise awareness about environmental conservation. I am also extremely proud that I was able to participate in such environmental conservation activities. I hope that I can take part in such activities again in the future.
Contributing to Local Communities
Support for Earthquake Recovery
MinebeaMitsumi established the "Charitable Trust-MinebeaMitsumi Scholarship Fund for Orphans of the Great East Japan Earthquake" as an endowment for children orphaned by the Great East Japan Earthquake. The scholarship fund provides annual grants of 100,000 yen to orphans of elementary school and junior high age. Every March, third-year junior high school children receiving support from the trust are invited to Tokyo to celebrate their graduation alongside employee supporters.
Interactive Activities with Children
I have been involved since the establishment of the education fund from an administrative perspective, and March 2017 was the fifth time we could celebrate the graduation of junior high school students we supported. Supporter employees have given cooperated exhaustively, even if only for short periods, over two days and one night, to ensure the junior high school students could fully enjoy themselves.
Initially, I had many doubts about what to talk about with the children who experienced the earthquake, and how to help them enjoy themselves. But it has been a relief to see children develop normally after talking with them, taking part in school club activities and studying hard for their high school entrance exams, full of hope for their new life starting in spring.
In the future, we will continue to hold celebrations to bring a smile to the faces of the junior high school students who join us.
Participation in the Fukuroi City Fureai Yume Market
The Minebea exhibition booth
Based upon feedback received at a community meeting in May 2016, Hamamatsu Plant has been proactively engaged in community activities.
In FY2016, we took part in the Fukuroi City Fureai Yume Market, which supports "Local production for local consumption," regional revitalization, and interaction between local producers, consumers, and residents. We produced a display of products, focusing on those from Hamamatsu Plant, and used it as an opportunity to explain the Group's technological capabilities to local residents.
Support for NPO Asama Highland Sports Club
The Minebea Cup curling tournament
As part of its amateur sports promotion, the Karuizawa Plant supports curling through donations to the Asama Highland Sports Club, an incorporated nonprofit organization. The monetary donations assist the club in holding curling competitions and support junior and wheelchair teams.
Holding Classes at Schools for International Exchange
Yonago Plant held classes at nearby Minokaya Elementary School, in Yonago city, Tottori Prefecture, on the topic of "international exchange." A Cambodian employee from our company introduced the children to the culture, school system, food, and customs of Cambodia, and played the Cambodian version of rock-scissors-paper with the children, giving them a great opportunity to experience another culture. Moving forward, we will continue to show our support for schools in the region.

A staff member introduces Cambodia

Cambodian-style rock-scissors-paper game
Regular Discussions with the Community
The Karuizawa and Yonago plants hold regular discussions with members of their local communities to facilitate continual dialogue.
The Karuizawa Plant holds semiannual discussions with local community members. At the eighth regular meeting held in November 2016, plant employees and community members exchanged ideas on a broad range of topics, including road safety, wastewater processing, the town's 60th anniversary ceremony, and cultivation of the yamayuri, the town's floral emblem.
The Yonago Plant held its second regular discussion in January 2017. On the day, we shared information about community activities of Yonago Plant, and also exchanged information about education, local activities, sports promotion, and business exchange.
Meetings with the community
(above: Karuizawa Plant; below: Yonago Plant)
Future Issues and Goals
By continuing to make active contributions to local communities in and outside Japan, the MinebeaMitsumi Group will strive to be an organization which deepens its community roots and expands sustainably with local communities.