Relationships with Local Communities and Global Society  Back Number (2013)

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Basic Approach

As an enterprise operating on a global scale, the Minebea Group believes in the importance of building sound partnerships with local communities through good communication. To establish firm roots in those communities, we carry out social contribution activities meeting local needs based upon our "Five Principles."

Contributing to Global Society

Initiatives in Europe

Support for Children with Disabilities

Our German sales subsidiary made a donation of 2,500 euros to the Bjorn Schulz Foundation, which provides support to children with incurable and terminal illnesses and their families.

The donation to the foundation is helping to support a hospital outside Rosenheim, Germany. Specifically, the donation is being used as operational funds to care for incurably ill children living with their families.

Initiatives in China

Support for Social Welfare by Employees

image : Employee volunteers who visited welfare facilities

Employee volunteers who visited welfare facilities

At the Zhuhai Plant, employee volunteers participate in a program to deliver donated goods to the elderly in senior citizen homes and children in welfare facilities.

The volunteers visit the facilities to deliver traditional Chinese cakes and other food supplies to the elderly and children, as well as stationery and other needed goods. The volunteers also spend time talking and enjoying recreation with the facility residents to deepen their friendships.

In addition, plant employees take part in blood donation drives and other social contribution activities to support the enhancement of their local community.

Initiatives in Thailand

Support for Education

image : Children at a Minebea-supported school

Children at a Minebea-supported school

Minebea Group subsidiaries in Thailand are working to improve the educational environment for Thai children through employee-led school support activities in areas around our plants. These activities are aimed at nurturing human resources who will support the future of Thailand.

In FY2012, a Thai subsidiary donated a new school building in Tak Province. At a donation ceremony in December 2012, children were presented with gifts from employees. An environment and energy section was set up in the school building, offering an information board, books and instructional materials to raise awareness of environmental issues.

Initiatives in Cambodia

Support to Develop Engineers

image : A training program in session

A training program in session

The Cambodia Plant is providing support to educational institutions with the aim of nurturing human resources skilled in manufacturing. From May to July 2012, the plant provided practical training on small motors at two specialized technical schools.

The plant also donated equipment to measure motor rotation and circuit boards needed to provide specialized technical education. These donations will assist the establishment of environments to support continual practical training.

Taking Part in Training Programs

image : In Bora Engineering Section 2, Engineering Department DC Motor Business Unit Information Motor DivisionI participated in an educational support project in Cambodia as an interpreter. I took part a little more than a month after joining the company, so I found it very difficult due to my lack of knowledge of motors and other products. At the same time, however, I learned a lot through the process of teaching students. The students were very excited about the training, as they have few hands-on opportunities with actual products. Watching them enthusiastically assemble motors, I was inspired by their thirst for technical knowledge.

I felt tremendous satisfaction helping promote technology in my home country of Cambodia as a Minebea employee, and I hope to utilize this experience in my future work endeavors.

Contributing to Local Communities

Career Education Support for Junior High School Students

image : Students learning about the plant

Students learning about the plant

In November 2012, 36 students from Fujisawa municipal Takinosawa Junior High School took part in a tour of the Fujisawa Plant. The tour was part of the school's career training program designed around the theme of learning the significance and importance of work through discussions with workers. The ultimate aim of the program is to motivate young students to find a purpose in life and help them succeed on their own as working members of society.

During the tour, the students learned about the processes for manufacturing aircraft fasteners and how manufacturing benefits society. By watching employees at work in the plant, the students also gained valuable insight into the significance and challenges of work.

Arranging a Plant Tour

image : Yuichiro Fushimi Personnel and General Affairs Section Fujisawa PlantThe students who took part in the tour of our plant appeared very impressed to learn that Minebea's products were used in planes flying around the world. Though it can be difficult to enlighten the public about parts manufacturing, we were able to highlight that our plant is doing work which supports the very foundation of society.

We taught the students that manufacturing activity is directly tied to social contributions in that it has significance as labor which is directly connected to society. In this way, students learned about the importance of work to society itself.

Donations to Local Community Facilities

Minebea provides support to various types of community facilities located around its plants. In September 2012, for example, we donated a multipurpose toilet to Baji Park in Gunma Prefecture. Located nearby our Matsuida Plant, Baji Park offers horseback riding activities to the public.

In conjunction with the new construction project at the Matsuida Plant, the horses in the park have been temporarily relocated. In conjunction with the move, we are helping upgrade the park's facilities with the donation of a multi-purpose toilet which people with disabilities can also easily use.

Community Contributions from Karuizawa Plant

The Karuizawa Plant holds discussions with members of the local community and promotes a variety of community development activities.

Regular Discussions with the Community

After holding a dialogue with the community in 2012, the Karuizawa Plant instituted semiannual discussion meetings to afford opportunities for communication with community members.

The first discussion meeting was held in May 2013. During a frank exchange of views, participants discussed cooperation between the plant and community in times of disaster and other emergencies as well as the plant's procurement from the local community.

Support for NPO Asama Highland Sports Club

image : A curling tournament

A curling tournament

As part of its amateur sports promotion, the Karuizawa Plant supports curling through donations to the Asama Highland Sports Club, an incorporated nonprofit organization. The monetary donations assist the club in holding curling competitions and support junior and wheelchair teams.

Community Education Support

image : Company employees acting as guest instructors

Company employees acting as guest instructors

In January 2013, Minebea employees served as guest instructors at the municipal Miyota Junior High School in Miyota, Nagano Prefecture. The lessons for 166 first-year students were part of our efforts to nurture and support the children who represent the next generation.

During the lessons, employees used their work experience to convey the skills needed of adult members of society and the types of things they believe students should learn during their school years.

Future Issues and Goals

By continuing to make active contributions to local communities in and outside Japan, the Minebea Group will strive to be an organization which deepens its community roots and expands sustainably with local communities.

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