Relationships with Local Communities and Global Society  Back Number (2011)

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Basic Approach

As an enterprise operating on a global scale, the Minebea Group believes in the importance of building sound partnerships with local communities through good communication. To establish firm roots in those communities, we carry out social contribution activities meeting local needs.

Contributing to Global Society

Appointment as Honorary Investment Advisor by the Board of Investment of Thailand

In recognition of the fact that the Minebea Group has continued to actively invest in the country since establishing its Ayutthaya Plant in 1982, the Board of Investment of Thailand* appointed Yoshihisa Kainuma, President and Chief Executive Officer of Minebea, as an honorary investment advisor in June 2010.

*Government agency responsible for promoting domestic investment in Thailand

Initiatives in North America

Food Drive Participation

image : Donated food

Donated food

The Chatsworth Plant in the United States participates in a regional relief food drive each year for families needing welfare assistance. At the Chatsworth Plant, employees donated 3,912 pounds (approximately 1,780 kg) of nonperishable food.

Coordinators who led the food drive expressed their gratitude at the size of the donation, which was enough to fill the available food storage space.

Initiatives in China

Employees Visit Welfare Facilities

image : Employees who visited welfare facilities

Employees who visited welfare facilities

Employee volunteers from the Zhuhai Plant perform a variety of community activities, such as donating relief supplies to elderly nursing facilities or to children in welfare facilities.

Visiting employees present moon cakes (Chinese sweets) and household goods to senior citizens and foster good relations through conversation. They also donate moon cakes, school supplies, and household goods to child welfare facilities, and engage in recreational activities like singing with the children.

Initiatives in Europe

Supporting Work Experience Programs for Students

image : Work experience

Work experience

The U.K.'s Lincoln Plant is engaged in a work experience program for students aged 16 to 18 as a local community-based activity and to help the younger generation understand our business and technology. The program lasts for two to six weeks, and after students complete training in health and safety issues, they study certain business processes in the plant as well as responsibilities in such areas as product quality, the environment, and the local community.

Through the program, students not only become interested in manufacturing, but learn about the importance of IT skills in manufacturing through extensive hands-on use of advanced machinery.

Supporting Work Experience for Local Students

image : Pam Howes Head of HR NMB-Minebea UK Ltd. To support work experience for local students, we don't just provide educational opportunities, but welcome the students to be future friends of Minebea and possibly future employees, which makes the initiative meaningful for both parties. It is also a valuable opportunity for parents of students and other local residents to deepen their understanding of Minebea, and we hope to continue supporting this work experience.

Initiatives in Thailand

Improvement of Elementary School Facilities

image : Schoolyard after being lined with concrete and brick

Schoolyard after being lined with concrete and brick

The Bang Pa-in Plant in Thailand has been working to help improve the facilities of elementary schools in the surrounding community. It rains frequently in Thailand, and schoolyards are often muddy and unusable, inconveniencing teachers and children. In response to an employee suggestion, we provided support to line part of the playground with concrete and bricks and install benches and other equipment. Now the children can use the schoolyard as soon as the rain stops, and it can be used for a variety of other purposes, such as parents' meetings.

Contributing to Local Communities

Support Activities for Hokkaido University's Formula-SAE HOKKAIDO Team

image : Formula car test drive

Formula car test drive

The Hokkaido University Formula-SAE HOKKAIDO Team is an official organization of the university's engineering department, mainly run by students. As they aim to become world-class talent, the students learn manufacturing processes and such management team skills as schedule management and cost control through the design and manufacture of formula cars.

The Hamamatsu Plant recognizes the significance of these activities, and has donated funds and Minebea products to students participating in the Student Formula SAE Competition of Japan. In FY2010, the plant contributed rod end bearings.

Promoting Amateur Sports: Support for Asama Highland Sports

image : Curling


The Karuizawa Plant promotes amateur sports by supporting curling. In pursuit of their desire to produce Olympic athletes from Nagano Prefecture, residents of the town of Miyota built a curling rink. Their dream was realized, and curling has become known nationwide. Today their NPO, Asama Highland Sports, acts as a European-style club through membership dues as well as donations from the Karuizawa Plant.

Curling is rooted in the local community and is a global sport, and the Karuizawa Plant will continue providing support.

Tree Planting in the Planned Umi-no-Mori (Sea Forest)

image : Tree planting

Tree planting

Omori Plant employees participated in social contribution activities sponsored by JAM (the Japanese Association of Metal, Machinery, and Manufacturing Workers), an umbrella organization of labor unions. The activities involved tree planting in Omori Ward, at the Umi-no-Mori (Sea Forest) site on landfill inside a central breakwater located in the middle of Tokyo Bay, and planned to be the largest park in the Ward. Twenty-five people from Minebea and elsewhere participated in the tree-planting activities, which were held in November 2010.

Participating in the Sea Forest project

image : Takanori Suzuki Assistant Supervisor Special Device Business Unit Sales Promotion Department I've participated from the planning stages in the Sea Forest project, where trees are planted on landfill composed of rubbish and surplus soil. There is increasing interest in the environment, and volunteers are planting trees all over Japan, but if the trees are not continually cared for after planting they will not grow. By starting with planting and continuing to look after the trees, I feel the significance of participating in this activity, which will change a landfill to a beautiful forest floating on the sea. I hope to continue working on this initiative.

Support for Victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake

The Minebea Group contributed 50 million yen in earthquake relief funds five days after the Great East Japan Earthquake occurred. In addition, Minebea Group employees around the world collected 11,960,000 yen in donations.

Since recovery in the affected areas will require considerable time and continuing support, the Minebea Group will provide funds originally allocated for commemoration of the 60th anniversary of our founding for reconstruction assistance. As of June 2011, we are planning the content of that support.

Future Issues and Goals

Minebea hopes to be a company that can develop relationships of trust with local communities and that can continue growing with them, through ongoing involvement in activities contributing to society both in Japan and abroad.

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