Relationships with Local Communities and Global Society  Back Number (2012)

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Basic Approach

As an enterprise operating on a global scale, the Minebea Group believes in the importance of building sound partnerships with local communities through good communication. To establish firm roots in those communities, we carry out social contribution activities meeting local needs based upon our Five Principles.

Contributing to Global Society

Involvement in the Board of Investment Fair 2011

In recognition of the fact that the Minebea Group has continued to actively invest in the country since establishing its Ayutthaya Plant in 1982, the Board of Investment of Thailand* appointed Yoshihisa Kainuma, President and Chief Executive Officer of Minebea, as an honorary investment advisor in June 2010.

In January 2012, the Board of Investment of Thailand held its BOI Fair 2011 under the theme, "Going Green for the Future." President Kainuma participated in the fair's CEO Forum as a panelist to discuss environmental and economic issues during a panel discussion with fellow global business leaders.

* Government agency responsible for promoting investment in Thailand

Initiatives in North America

Internship program

At the Peterborough Plant in the United States, Minebea offers an internship program for engineering students at local universities.

The purpose of the internship is to give university students the opportunity to put their knowledge to work in a practical setting. The program also offers students the chance to come into contact with businesspeople and understand the type of behavior required of business professionals, thus helping them develop needed skills for the future.

Each year the program selects a few interns from among many applicants.

Participation in CSR Promotion Conference

Our U.S. subsidiary New Hampshire Ball Bearings, Inc. participated in a conference held by the American Bearing Manufacturers Association in April 2011.

Through seminars and exhibits, the conference shared information on leading activities in the areas of energy efficiency and energy saving. The Minebea Group's initiatives were announced at the conference and various case studies were shared among the other attendee companies, enabling the participants to deepen their mutual understanding.

Participating in the CSR Promotion Conference

image : Patti Carrier (HiTech Div.) and Herb Parkhurst (HiTech Div.) of New Hampshire Ball Bearings, Inc. There were many events at the conference demonstrating how the bearings industry is tackling environmental problems. We participated in the conference and made a presentation on our initiatives designed to both reduce the environment burden and enhance business performance. The presentation generated a lot of interest among the participants. This was a great opportunity because many companies which typically compete against each other gathered together to cooperate on the issue of the environment. We are confident that these initiatives will help to improve the activities of all the participants.

Initiatives in China

Employees provide social welfare support

image : Employee volunteers who visited welfare facilities

Employee volunteers who visited welfare facilities

At the Zhuhai Plant, employee volunteers participate in a program to deliver donated goods to elderly in senior citizen homes and children in welfare facilities.

The volunteers visit the facilities to deliver traditional Chinese cakes and other food supplies to the elderly and children, as well as stationery and other needed goods. The volunteers also spend time talking and enjoying recreation with the facility residents to deepen their friendships.

In addition, plant employees take part in blood drives and other events to support the enhancement of their local community.

Initiatives in Europe

Participation in Frankfurt's Japan Week celebration

2011 marked the 150th anniversary of Japan-Germany relations. Frankfurt, where Minebea has long been active, held a number of cultural exchange events to commemorate the occasion.

The Minebea Group's Germany sales subsidiary acted as a sponsor for the International Friendship Foundation's Japan Week festivities held in Frankfurt in November 2011 as part of the subsidiary's support for cultural exchange events.

Japan Week introduced traditional Japanese dance and tea ceremony to the local community, along with such modern arts as Japanese animation. Additionally, the German community held various events designed to promote mutual understanding and deepen friendship.

Initiatives in Thailand

Support for education

image : Donations to schools supported by the Group

Donations to schools supported by the Group

Minebea Group subsidiaries in Thailand contribute to the enhancement of children's education environment through the support of local schools. In FY2011, Group companies made donations to support the establishment of a new community study center in Tak Province. Today, some 150 elementary and junior high school students attend the center.

As a follow-up support activity, employees also visit local community schools twice a year to deliver donated school uniforms and stationery to children, along with bookshelves, chairs, and other needed equipment to the schools. The employees also help repair aging facilities as part of their support for school operations.

Contributing to Local Communities

Promoting Amateur Sports Support for Asama Highland Sports Club

image : A curling tournament supported by the Karuizawa Plant

A curling tournament supported by the Karuizawa Plant

The Karuizawa Plant promotes amateur sports by supporting curling. In pursuit of their desire to produce Olympic athletes from Nagano Prefecture, residents of the town of Miyota built a curling rink. Their dream was realized as today, their NPO, Asama Highland Sports Club, acts as a club through membership dues as well as donations from the Karuizawa Plant.

Donations from the plant are used to hold curling tournaments and to support the junior and wheelchair teams.

Curling is rooted in the local community and is a global sport, and the Karuizawa Plant will continue providing support.

Providing Emergency Shelter

image : One of the Fujisawa Plant buildings available as a tsunami shelter

One of the Fujisawa Plant buildings available as a tsunami shelter

Being close to the ocean, the Fujisawa Plant cooperates with Fujisawa City to offer its buildings as a tsunami shelter in the event of a natural disaster.

In emergencies, the Fujisawa Plant has the capacity to shelter more than 1,700 residents and tourists.

Sponsoring the 2011 Fukuroi Enshu Fireworks Festival

The Hamamatsu Plant supports the annual Fukuroi Enshu Fireworks Festival held by Fukuroi City.

The festival draws the best pyrotechnics from across Japan to compete, providing an exciting event for local residents and supporting the development of the local community through one of the largest festivals of its kind. Based on the theme of "Delivering Messages of Hope," the FY2011 festival donated a part of its revenues to support victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake.

The Hamamatsu Plant will continue to build relations with local residents and support the development of the community.

Support for Victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake

The Minebea Group contributed 50 million yen in earthquake relief funds five days after the Great East Japan Earthquake occurred. Minebea celebrated its 60th anniversary in July 2011, and decided in principle to reallocate the funds earmarked for commemorative business to support reconstruction efforts.

In addition, Minebea Group employees around the world collected 11,960,000 yen in donations.

The Minebea Group will continue to support the reconstruction of the areas devastated by the earthquake.

Future Issues and Goals

By continuing to make active contributions to local communities in and outside Japan, the Minebea Group will strive to be an organization which deepens its community roots and expands sustainably with local communities.

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