Presentation Transcripts
Latest Update : Sept.6, 2023
Back to Financial Results (FY3/2024)
Investor Conference Call for 1Q FY 3/2024 held on August 4, 2023
- Cover
- Summary of Consolidated Business Results for 1Q
- Net Sales, Operating Income / Margin
- 1Q Actual: Differences from the Forecast as of May
- Precision Technologies (PT)
- Motor, Lighting & Sensing (MLS)
- Semiconductors & Electronics (SE)
- Access Solutions (AS)
- Profit Attributable to Owners of the Parent / EPS
- Inventory
- Net Interest-bearing Debt / Free Cash Flow
- Forecast
- Forecast for Business Segment
- Today's Points
- Precision Technologies (PT) Update
- Motor, Lighting & Sensing (MLS) Update
- Semiconductors & Electronics (SE) Update
- Access Solutions (AS) Update
- Progress in 1Q and the Image of Achieving Initial Plan
- Share Buyback
- Forward-looking Statements
- Reference
Under these circumstances, first quarter operating income was in line with our earnings guidance at 6.0 billion yen. Looking back at past results, we see that it was about the same as the first quarter of fiscal year ended March 31, 2020. Towards the initial full year operating income forecast of 77.0 billion yen announced in May, we recorded 7.3 billion yen for the first quarter and 62.6 billion yen for the full year, which was 81% of our initial forecast. When you look at the big picture, this year's operating income of 6.1 billion yen is almost equivalent to 7.3 billion yen. Since this fiscal year's forecast is 95.0 billion yen, there is a gap of 32.4 billion yen compared to 62.6 billion yen. As shown on the right side of this slide, however, our business portfolio has changed over the last four years. Furthermore, our forex position is different from what it was then as well as our initial forecast for this fiscal year. In light of all of these factors, we believe that it's a little too early to revise our forecast at this point. Once the second quarter ends and November comes, we will be able to have better visibility over six months ahead, including the timing of recovery for data center market, which may be the timing for us to announce changes to our forecast, if any. As for now, we have decided that it is practically difficult to revise our earnings guidance and have left the forecast unchanged.
19page (total 29pages)
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