For Precision Technologies (PT) segment, although it is true that bearing sales have slowed down the automobile sector is getting back on track. The question is when the data center market will recover. To be honest, we do not currently know exactly in which month it will recover at this moment. However, as you may be aware, there is no doubt that the volume of data 3 will certainly increase. Data centers are currently undergoing adjustments, but they will catch up sooner or later and will start to be invested again. We will continue to keep a close eye on the situation for now.
I have heard that aircraft manufacturers are having various supply chain issues and their build rates are lower than they projected. Having said that, however, it is fair to say the outlook is favorable thanks to its recovery trend. In addition, our offset business in India will move into full swing. We will invest 3 billion yen to boost the production capacity of Mach Aero's third plant in Bengaluru, India.