Presentation Transcripts

Latest Update : Aug.26, 2022

Back to Financial Results (FY3/2023)

Investor Meeting Presentation for 1Q FY 3/2023 held on August 5, 2022

Table of Contents

This graph contains a bar chart showing trends in net interest-bearing debt, which is total interest-bearing debt minus cash and cash equivalents, and a line chart indicating free cash flows.

At the end of the first quarter, net interest-bearing debt, totaling 179.7 billion yen, was up 92.8 billion yen from what it was at the end of the previous fiscal year. This is mainly due to the expenditure for the purchase of the new headquarters building as well as the increase in inventories.
Of this amount, 13.2 billion yen of CB (Euro-Yen Denominated Convertible Bonds with Stock Acquisition Rights) has been almost all converted by due date of redemption of August 3.

At the end of the fiscal year ending March 2023, the net interest-bearing debt forecast is expected to increase from the end of the previous fiscal year. However, excluding the expenditures for M&A announced recently, the net interest-bearing debt forecast is expected to be at the same level as the end of the previous fiscal year.

13page (total 53pages)

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