Presentation Transcripts

Latest Update : Feb.16, 2018

Back to Financial Results (FY3/2018)

Investor Conference Call for 3Q FY 3/2018 held on February 7, 2018

Moving on to "S" for social.
We are thoroughly promoting automation of production lines including introduction of robots, and rationalization including in-house equipment production. On the other hand, we are creating a flexible production system considering characteristics of the products and customer requirements, such as production in cost competitive area for products suitable for labor-intensive. This variety and diversity in manufacturing are one of the source of our company competitiveness.
As one of the measures to strengthen this competitiveness, we actively utilize and empower women. Our Group employs about 100,000 people, and women account for about 70%. About 20% of that total work in managerial or supervisory positions. We actively hire women with outstanding skills, based on the characteristics of work, who enable us to continuously supply high quality products to customers around the world.
Since the 1970s we went into Singapore and Thailand as a forerunner and continued to improve ultra-precision machining technology and automation technology, and also we have been trying to shift the structure from labor intensive production.
In this process, we have fostered human resources through dispatching many local employees around the world including Japan, in order to acquire techniques and skills.
Through these activities, the DNA of manufacturing acquired by our group employees fundamentally supports our manufacturing capabilities.
On top, in recent years we have hired a significant number of young workers in emerging economies around Asia, such as Cambodia and the Philippines, where we have implemented our original training curriculum and employee benefit programs. In impoverished and areas where majority of people are employed in agriculture, we provide employees with not only basic training on employment rules and work standards but also pave the way to enhanced self-reliance through educational initiatives focused on issues of hygiene control as well as food, shelter, and clothing. In areas where primary education is lacking, we operate schools and provide education in the employees' native language to improve the literacy rate. These activities have earned high marks from local governments and communities alike. At the same time they are closely linked to our business growth and add to the economic value of our Group.
Finally, we have "G" for governance. In this area we are focusing on establishing and maintaining global risk management and compliance systems as we work to strengthen and improve our corporate governance and internal control systems.
If you look at the right side of the slide, you will see major SDGs that are related to these activities.

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