(Posted Oct. 2013)
Watching over the Growth of Orphans
Charitable trust operational committee
The Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011 caused massive damage and claimed many precious lives. An estimated 240 children lost their parents in the disaster. As a result, these children are unable to receive the kind of educational support they could have normally expected. Out of concern for these children's welfare, Minebea decided it was necessary for society as a whole to provide long-term, comprehensive support to ensure that the children, as well as relations and other people raising them in place of their parents, do not feel isolated from society as time passes.
On the basis of this thinking, Minebea established the "Charitable Trust - Minebea Scholarship Fund for Orphans of the Great East Japan Earthquake" as an endowment. The fund will provide annual scholarship grants of ¥100,000 for orphans of elementary school and junior high age. The fund pays the grants annually until junior high school graduation in order to ensure long-term support for the children. The grants have no restrictions and may be used for any purpose.
Many people in the disaster region are providing generous support for the trust. For example, in order to ensure fairness of trust operations, educators in three prefectures (Fukushima, Miyagi, and Iwate) have volunteered to join the operational committee.
Aiming to Provide Wide-ranging, Long-term Support
In 2012, the trust received 117 applications and approved grants to all the applicants. In March 2013, junior high school children receiving support from the trust were invited to Tokyo to celebrate their graduation, receive congratulatory gifts and take part in various events. Many of the children commented that they would cherish memories of the occasion and expressed appreciation for the opportunity to learn about society.
In its first three years, the fund is expected to make contributions of ¥130 million. From its fourth year, in consideration of the estimated applications, the fund will have a maximum of ¥230 million available for future contributions.
Employees Participate as Supporters
I took part in the ceremonies for graduating students with a desire to support people from the disaster region. I was somewhat uneasy about whether I was up to the task of supporting children who had been through so much, losing not only their parents but relatives, friends and other loved ones. Instead I was truly heartened by the bright, smiling faces of the students and their steady focus on the future. The Minebea scholarship fund is unique in that it is grant aid which can be used by students for anything and provides long-term support for over 10 years. I feel a strong desire to work steadily each day in order to do my part in providing support for these children.
Fulfilling our Mission with Pride
One of our "Five Principles," our basic management policy, specifies that we will be a company where our employees are proud to work. For Minebea, support for orphans in the disaster region is a social contribution project which heightens the pride our employees have in the company. The scholarship fund is also one of the projects to commemorate our 60th anniversary in 2011 and to express our appreciation to the many stakeholders who have supported us over the years. To continually realize our aspirations, we must fulfill our mission of consistently generating a certain level of profit through sound business activities. Going forward, we will engage with our stakeholders as we strive for "manufacturing with sincerity."