(Posted Oct. 2013)
Minebea's Environmental Management Level
Environmental rating-tied loans are loans whose financing terms are decided based on an assessment of the company's environmental management level and the long-term sustainability of its business. The environmental management assessment screens companies on the basis of overall management, business-related factors, and performance-related factors, assigning an overall rating on a four-level scale from A, the highest, to D, the lowest. In FY2012, Minebea received an "A" rating based on the assessment that its environmentally conscious initiatives are particularly advanced. The evaluation specifically noted our efforts to lower the environmental burden in manufacturing processes by producing manufacturing equipment in-house, as well as the development of environmentally conscious products by leveraging ultra-high-precision machined components. The assessment also lauded our aim for comprehensive sustainable management as reflected in the formulation of a medium-term CSR plan and the holding of stakeholder dialogues.

Aiming for an Even Higher Level of Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing
Though many of our environmental initiatives have received positive assessments, the evaluation processes have shown us that there are many ways in which we need to improve our global warming countermeasures. New financing will be used to actively address these issues and advance initiatives to raise the level of environmentally consciousness of our business operations.
With the financing, we are building a new plant with the highest energy efficiency among domestic Group plants on the premises of our new Matsuida Plant (scheduled for completion in November 2013). The new plant's thermal insulation features will enable low-capacity air conditioners, while substations and other equipment will lower energy consumption and the electrical burden. With this plant design, we are preparing for a higher level of environmentally conscious manufacturing.
Moving forward, as a Group we have set a target of reducing our CO2 emissions per unit of production 5% by FY2015 (in comparison to FY2010) by pursuing new initiatives both at the Matsuida Plant and in other areas of our business, including raising logistics efficiency and bolstering our measures at other sites.

*Please see Environmental Report for a detailed explanation of environmental initiatives we are currently taking.