Environmental Management
Environmental Impact of MinebeaMitsumi Group
The Group has 130 production and R&D sites and 101 sales offices in 28 countries around the world. We produce and sell a diverse range of products including bearings (our main product), machined components, electronic devices, and semiconductor products and so on.
The Group's environmental impact for FY3/2024 is summarized below.
Input and Output (FY3/2024 Actual)

- LPG: Liquefied petroleum gas
- PRTR chemicals: Chemical substances reported to the administration according to the PRTR Law. (Japanese Domestic Law)
- GHG(CO2 equivalent): Greenhouse gases converted to CO2 amounts using the global warming potential. (CH4, HFC, PFC, SF6, NF3, N2O)
- NOx: Nitrogen oxides. Causative agent of photochemical smog and acid rain.
- SOx: Sulfur oxides. Causative agent of asthma and acid rain.
- Particulates: Microscopic solid matter contained in exhaust gas generated through combustion. Larger particles reduce visibility, while smaller particles are respiratory organs and other health impacting substance.
- Waste: valuables and wastes
- COD: Chemical oxygen demand. An indicator used for environmental standards for organic matter in marine areas and lakes.
- BOD: Biochemical oxygen demand. An indicator used in environmental standards for organic matter in rivers.
- SS: Suspended solids in water. An indicator used for the turbidity of water used in environmental standards for insoluble substances in water.