Environmental Management  Back Number (2019)

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Environmental Impact of MinebeaMitsumi Group

The MinebeaMitsumi Group has 83 plants in 22 countries around the world, manufacturing and selling a range of products including bearings—our main product—as well as machined components, electronic devices, rotary components and Mitsumi Business. When environmental impact is viewed in terms of the ratio of total production by region to sales, Asia (excluding Japan) is estimated to account for approximately 80% of the MinebeaMitsumi Group's consumption and output.

Total energy consumption in FY2018 was approximately the same as in the previous year. Consumption of industrial oil increase 17%, and consumption of solvents and cleaners was up 16%.

The Group's environmental impact for FY2018 is summarized below.

image : Input and Output (FY2018 Actual)
  1. PRTR chemicals: Substances included in the PRTR law (The Chemical Substance Control Law/Domestic Japanese Law), for which companies must register and report volumes released and transferred. The figures shown are those reported to authorities.
  2. CO2: Carbon dioxide
  3. NOx: Nitrogen oxides
  4. SOx: Sulfur oxides
  5. Particulates: Microscopic solid matter contained in exhaust gas generated through combustion, heating, or chemical reaction

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