Environmental Management Back Number (2019)
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Basic Approach
The MinebeaMitsumi Group has established an environmental management system based on the MinebeaMitsumi Group Environmental Policy, and all Group companies are striving to contribute to the protection of the earth's environment and the sustainable development of human kind.
As examples of specific initiatives in this regard, we are adopting highly energy-efficient equipment and processes and reduce total Group CO2 emissions, are strengthening initiatives to minimize waste materials and wastewater from our plants in order to effectively utilize raw materials and water resources. We also make contributions to the environment through our products, including the active development of communications control technologies, sensors and new materials which are central to energy management in highly efficient motors, lighting, and energy conversion devices, as well as "smart" buildings, plants, and urban residential environments.
Environmental Management Structure
In order to carry out the MinebeaMitsumi Group Environmental Policy, the MinebeaMitsumi Group has an environmental management structure headed by the Board of Directors and the President and Chief Executive Officer. We also have an Environment Management Committee, a promotion organization composed mostly of executive officers, and a Group Environmental Protection Committee, which is staffed by working-level members. This structure enables rapid implementation of environmental policy. Each work site also has a Plant General Manager of Environmental Management and a Manager of Environmental Management who promote specific environmental conservation measures at plants and offices.
Green Products Certification Program
Almost all of our products are environmentally friendly, small sized and allow precise downsizing, contributing to energy and saving space.
We have introduced the "MinebeaMitsumi Green Products Certification Program" which selects products that are particularly environmentally friendly and certifies them as Minebea Mitsumi Green Products. We plan to create products that contribute to energy conservation and global environmental improvement through our corporate activities, and to increase the ratio of Green Products to over 85% of our sales in the fiscal year ending March 2029.
The "MinebeaMitsumi Green Products Certification Program" was introduced for products produced and sold from the fiscal year ended March 2019. The amount of green products sold in the fiscal year ended March 2019 totaled 485.5 billion yen, which was 57.6% of the total sales amount.
ISO 14001 Certification
The MinebeaMitsumi Group is promoting the acquisition of ISO 14001 certification at each of its major sites worldwide. For newly constructed and recently acquired plants, we have begun environmental management activities based on the certification acquisition plans. (major production facilities: ISO 14001 acquisition rate 100%)
External certification audit for ISO 14001 (September 2018 in Thailand)
Compliance with Laws and Regulations
Each of the MinebeaMitsumi Group's business sites sets voluntary environmental standards that are stricter than the national or local legal requirements in each country for plant wastewater and other items that are difficult to manage. This ensures that we comply with all environmental laws and regulations.
Third-party agencies are periodically asked to assess monitored areas of importance, and where required the results of these assessments are reported to relevant authorities.
Environmental Laws and Regulations Related to MinebeaMitsumi's Business (representative laws):
- Water Pollution Control Law
- Air Pollution Control Law
- Noise Regulation Law
- Vibration Regulation Law
- Soil Pollution Countermeasures Law
- Act on the Rational Use of Energy (Energy Conservation Law)
- Law Concerning the Examination and Regulation of Manufacture, etc. of Chemical Substances (Chemical Substances Control Law)
- Act on Rational Use and Proper Management of Fluorocarbons (Fluorocarbon Emissions Control Law)
- Regulations on harmful chemical substances used in products (EU-RoHS directive, EU-REACH regulations, etc.)
- Basic Act on Biological Diversity
- Environmental Impact Assessment Law
- Fire Services Act
- Industrial Safety and Health Act etc.