May 7, 2021

Notice Regarding Differences between Non-consolidated Earnings for Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2021 and those for Previous Fiscal Year
MINEBEA MITSUMI Inc. hereby announces the differences between its non-consolidated earnings for fiscal year ended March 31, 2021 (from April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021) and those for previous fiscal year, as follows:
1. Differences between the Full-Year Non-Consolidated Earnings for Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2021 (from April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021) and those for Previous Fiscal Year
Net sales | Operating income | Ordinary income | Net income | Net income per share |
millions of yen | millions of yen | millions of yen | millions of yen | yen | |
Results for Previous Fiscal Year (A) | 571,385 | 10,317 | 18,927 | 14,666 | 35.45 |
Results for Fiscal Year March 31, 2021 (B) | 576,634 | 2,608 | 22,297 | 19,455 | 47.66 |
Difference (B-A) | 5,249 | (7,709) | 3,369 | 4,788 | − |
Difference (%) | 0.9 | (74.7) | 17.8 | 32.6 | − |
2. Reasons for the Differences
Regarding the non-consolidated earnings for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021, although net sales were almost same as those for the previous fiscal year, operating income decreased mainly due to changes in composition of sales products. On the other hand, ordinary income and net income increased due to increases in dividends from subsidiaries in order to improve the financial liquidity.
Company Name: | MINEBEA MITSUMI Inc. |
Representative: | Yoshihisa Kainuma Representative Director, CEO & COO (Code No. 6479, TSE Div. No. 1) |
Contact: | Katsuhiko Yoshida Director, Senior Managing Executive Officer |
Phone: | +81-(0)3-6758-6711 |
Product information, contact and other context are subject to change without prior notice.