Nov.6, 2020

Notice Regarding Revisions to Full-Year Consolidated Business Forecasts for Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2021
MINEBEA MITSUMI Inc. announced today that it has revised the full-year consolidated business forecasts announced on August 4, 2020 for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2021 (from April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021) in light of recent business conditions.
1. Revisions to the Full-Year Consolidated Business Forecast for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2021 (from April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021)
Net sales | Operating income | Income attributable to owners of the parent | Net income per share |
millions of yen | millions of yen | millions of yen | yen | |
Previous forecast (A) (announced on August 4, 2020) |
900,000 ~ 1,000,000 |
50,000 ~ 60,000 |
39,000 ~ 47,000 |
95.49 ~ 115.08 |
Revised forecast (B) | 940,000 | 50,000 | 39,000 | 95.49 |
Difference (B-A) | 40,000 ~ (60,000) |
0 ~ (10,000) |
0 ~ (8,000) |
− |
Difference (%) | 4.4 ~ (6.0) |
0.0 ~ (16.7) |
0.0 ~ (17.0) |
− |
(Reference) Results for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020 | 978,445 | 58,647 | 45,475 | 111.11 |
2. Reasons for Revisions
With regard to the forecasts for the consolidated fiscal year, owing to unclear prospects of impact from spread of COVID-19 and trade friction between the United States and China, and so on, forecasts were based on a range of upper and lower limits. Although the uncertain situation still continues, we have reviewed our consolidated full-year forecast and made the revisions based on our best estimate of current market conditions as well as our performance during the first six-month period.
(Note) The business forecasts contained in this press release are made based on information available as of the date of the announcement. The actual results may differ from the forecasts due to a variety of factors in the days to come.
Company Name: | MINEBEA MITSUMI Inc. |
Representative: | Yoshihisa Kainuma Representative Director, CEO & COO (Code No. 6479, TSE Div. No. 1) |
Contact: | Katsuhiko Yoshida Director, Senior Managing Executive Officer |
Phone: | +81-(0)3-6758-6711 |
Product information, contact and other context are subject to change without prior notice.