June 26, 2020

Notice Regarding Determination of Details for Performance-Linked Stock Remuneration Plan
MINEBEA MITSUMI Inc. (the "Company") hereby announces that a resolution was made at a meeting of the Board of Directors held today concerning the details of the performance-linked stock remuneration plan (hereinafter the "Plan") which a meeting of the Board of Directors held on May 8, 2020 resolved to introduce for the Company's directors (excluding outside directors; hereinafter the same) and which was approved at the 74th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held today on June 26, 2020. The detail of the Plan is as follows;
1. Outline of the Trust
(1) Name | Board Benefit Trust |
(2) Entrustor | The Company |
(3) Trustee | Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited (Re-trusted to Japan Trustee Services Bank, Ltd.) |
(4) Beneficiaries | Directors who meet the requirements |
(5) Trust administrator | To be selected from third parties having no conflict of interests |
(6) Exercise of voting rights | No voting rights will be exercised for the shares in the Trust during the Trust period |
(7) Type of trust | Money trust other than cash trusts (third-party-benefit trust) |
(8) Date of conclusion of the Trust Agreement | July 13, 2020 |
(9) Date on which money will be trusted | July 13, 2020 |
(10) Trust termination date | End of July, 2023 |
2. The Company's Shares to be acquired for the trust
(1) The type of shares to be acquired | Common shares |
(2) The amount of funds the Company entrusts for acquiring the shares | 239,951,200 yen |
(3) The method of acquiring the shares | 122,800 shares |
(4) The method of acquiring the shares | Disposition of the Company's treasury stock |
(5) Date on which the shares are to be acquired | July 13, 2020 |
Company Name: | MINEBEA MITSUMI Inc. |
Representative: | Yoshihisa Kainuma Representative Director, CEO & COO (Code No. 6479, TSE Div. No. 1) |
Contact: | Motohide Ishigami Executive Officer, Officer in charge of Personnel & General Affairs Div. |
Phone: | +81-(0)3-6758-6712 |
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