Nov.14, 2018



MinebeaMitsumi Received "IR Special Award" at the 23rd IR Award

MINEBEA MITSUMI Inc. (MinebeaMitsumi) has been selected to receive the "IR Special Award" by the Japan Investor Relations Association (JIRA) at its 23rd IR Award.

The IR Award is designed to recognize companies which have been highly accredited in the investment community for their understanding and promotion of IR activities. Of the JIRA member companies, 299 publicly-traded companies applied for the 2018 IR Award and a total of 13 companies were selected and received awards: the IR Grand Prix were given to one company, the Best IR Awards to seven, the IR Special Awards to three, and the Best IR Awards for Encouragement to two. In addition, one company was selected and received the JIRA 25th.

Major reasons for the selection of the Award are cited as below.
"MinebeaMitsumi's top management demonstrates a proactive attitude toward IR and thoroughly explains its growth strategy and progress. The IR Department also strives to promote better communication with the investment community by regularly providing feedback from meetings with investors and analysts to top management. IR materials at result announcement briefings, streaming videos, and presentations by IR contacts are easy to understand and well made. MinebeaMitsumi is also forthcoming in disclosing information from a longer-term perspective, such as initiatives in EV (electric vehicles) and other advanced sectors as well as areas with uncertain potential."

We will continue our efforts to deepen the understanding of our stakeholders, including investors.

For details, please visit the JIRA's website.
https://www.jira.or.jp/english/index.htmlOpen in a new window

Logo : IR Special Award
Company Name: MINEBEA MITSUMI Inc.
Representative: Yoshihisa Kainuma
Representative Director, CEO & COO
(Code No. 6479, TSE Div. No.1)
Contact: Kenji Yahiro
Investor Relations Office
Phone: +81-(0)3-6758-6720
Information in the press releases is current on the date of the announcement.
Product information, contact and other context are subject to change without prior notice.

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