Dec.21, 2015

Minebea Co., Ltd.
Notice Concerning Execution of Basic Agreement on Business Integration of Minebea Co., Ltd. and MITSUMI ELECTRIC CO., LTD.
Minebea Co., Ltd. and MITSUMI ELECTRIC CO., LTD. resolved at their respective meetings of their board of directors held today to enter into a basic agreement to proceed with a discussion and consideration of a business integration based on the spirit of equal partnership, as follows.
Company Name: | Minebea Co., Ltd. |
Representative: | Yoshihisa Kainuma Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer (Code No. 6479, TSE Div. No. 1) |
Contact: | Yasuo Komine General Manager Corporate Communications Office |
Phone: | +81-(0)3-6758-6703 |
Company Name: | MITSUMI ELECTRIC CO., LTD. |
Representative: | Shigeru Moribe President and Representative Director (Code No. 6767, TSE Div. No. 1) |
Contact: | Kunihiro Noguchi General Manager, Affairs Dept. |
Phone: | +81-(0)42-310-5333 |
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