Oct.12, 2011

Minebea Co., Ltd.

Notice Regarding Flood Damage in Thailand

Minebea Co., Ltd., as of twelve noon October 12, announces the effects that the extensive flooding in Thailand resulting from rain since July has had on its five manufacturing sites there as follows.

1. Status of plants

Plant name Workers Location Production items Status
Lop Buri 10,000 Lop Buri Province Electronic devices
Small motors
Aircraft parts
No human or material damage
Operating normally
Ayutthaya 3,400 Ayutthaya Province Ball bearings No human or material damage
Operation suspended since October 7 due to flooding in the surrounding area
Rojana 1,600 Rojana Industrial Park
Ayutthaya Province
Die-cast parts Flooding in the factory, but no casualties
Operation suspended since October 7
Preparing to increase purchase from outside source
Details unconfirmed because industrial park closed
Bang Pa-in 15,000 Ayutthaya Province Ball bearings
Machined parts
Electronic devices
Small motors
No human or material damage
Operating normally
Navanakorn 1,000 Nava Nakorn Industrial Estate
Pathum Thani Province
Small motor parts No human or material damage
Operating normally

All plants except Rojana are taking measures to prevent future damage due to rising water levels. There are no human casualties, but worker attendance has dropped 10% to 30% because of the massive impact that flooding has had on commuting, housing, and other aspects of their lives. To compensate, we are shifting workers from suspended plants to continue production activities as close to normal operation as possible and thus minimize the impact on customers.

2. Looking ahead

Future operations will be decided in light of the situation as it develops. The understanding of customers and suppliers concerned about our situation would be greatly appreciated.
We will continue to monitor the extent of the flood damage and its effect on business performance and immediately report any developments risking a significant impact on business results.

Media Inquires: Corporate Communications Office, Minebea Co., Ltd.
TEL +81-(0)3-5434-8637 FAX +81-(0)3-5434-8607
Information in the press releases is current on the date of the announcement.
Product information, contact and other context are subject to change without prior notice.

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