MinebeaMitsumi Group Stakeholders
Our stakeholders are defined as employees, customers, shareholders, local communities, and global society, which are affirmed in our company credo, the "Five Principles," as well as suppliers and the environment that supports our society. In carrying out CSR activities, the Group believes that it is essential to maintain communication with each stakeholder group and meet their expectations.
Corporate Philosophy (move to company site)

* Besides those noted above, the list of our major stakeholders includes many other parties.
We aim to fully satisfy customers in terms of quality, cost, supply capacity, and speed, working diligently to enhance its reputation as the most reliable component manufacturer.
The MinebeaMitsumi Group business is supported by relationships with numerous suppliers. The Minebea Group has adopted a Basic Purchasing Policy on which healthy partnerships are built.
Through enhanced IR activities, we will work to expand our communication with shareholders and to promote greater understanding of the Minebea Group among all types of investors.
Local Communities and Global Society
As an enterprise operating on a global scale, we believe in the importance of building sound partnerships with local communities through good communication.
The MinebeaMitsumi Group has established an environmental management system based on the MinebeaMitsumi Group Environmental Policy, and all Group companies are striving to contribute to the protection of the earth's environment and the sustainable development of human kind.
We are committed to maintaining and improving workplaces where each of our employees can work safely and in good health, and fully exercise his or her abilities.