Relationships with Customers

Basic Approach

The Group is a comprehensive manufacturer of precision components which aims to contribute to the development of global society. We have established a quality policy based on our "Five Principles" of management, in order to ensure the highest quality in the products we develop, manufacture, and sell, using limited resources efficiently to prevent waste. By this, we will earn and keep the trust of our customers worldwide. We establish and operate a quality management system, constantly check the effectiveness of the system, and strive for continuous improvement.

Corporate Philosophy (move to company site)

Quality management framework

The Group has established the Quality Assurance Headquarters directly reporting to the President and Chief Executive Officer, who has ultimate responsibility for quality assurance. Quality Assurance Headquarters engage works to improve quality across the entire Group, under the guidance of the Quality Management Committee which serves as an advisory body in the quality field. The Company has also established "Group Quality Management Rules" and the "Quality Assurance Managers Council," the "Product Safety Council," and the "Green Procurement Council." These groups are composed of managers representing each business unit, and are responsible for maintaining a quality management framework encompassing everything from development through to after-sales services, seeking to create products that offer greater safety and security. This involves regularly addressing issues related to quality, product safety, and the production environment, sharing best practices and preventing problem recurrence, and gathering information from public institutions and external organizations.

image : Quality Management Framework

Risk management

The Group, including Headquarters and business units, take steps to mitigate risk of Group products and end-use applications which could have a serious impact on society.
In the event of a serious accident, we have established a system for taking prompt and appropriate measures so that management can quickly control the situation. We regularly review these- response procedures and make improvements as necessary.
There have been zero incidents involving serious violation of laws and regulations in the past three years.

Risk Management

Risk Management (move to investors site)

Quality Improvement Measures

Cooperating with suppliers

In order to meet the quality requirements of our customers throughout the supply chain, we present MinebeaMitsumi Group Quality Policy to our suppliers, and request their understanding and cooperation.

Quality Management/Assurance (move to company site)

Green Procurement (Environmental Activities) (move to company site)

Promoting quality management system certification

Each business division has obtained certification for the various quality management system standards required, and is also working to obtain certification for standards that will be required for future new products. In addition, we train internal auditors so that we maintain and continuously improve our quality management system.

Disclosing information on products

To ensure that customers and consumers can make appropriate decisions regarding the purchase, use, and disposal of our products, we provide relevant information in our specifications, instruction manuals, pamphlets, and websites. We will respond sincerely to requests and inquiries from customers and consumers regarding safety information and information on chemical substances contained in our products. The feedback received from customers and consumers is shared with relevant internal departments and is considered in our future business activities.

Communication with Customers

Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Within the MinebeaMitsumi Group, individual business units conduct their own customer satisfaction surveys. The survey results are provided to the sales and development departments of each business unit. If customers should evaluate any criterion below a specific satisfaction level, we assess and implement improvements across all divisions.

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