ESG related Information

FY3/2024 Environmental Data

Environmental Impact of MinebeaMitsumi Group

The Group has 130 production and R&D sites and 101 sales offices in 28 countries around the world. We produce and sell a diverse range of products including bearings (our main product), machined components, electronic devices, and semiconductor products and so on.

The Group's environmental impact for FY3/2024 is summarized below.

Input and Output (FY3/2024 Actual)

image : Input and Output (FY3/2024 Actual)
  1. LPG: Liquefied petroleum gas
  2. PRTR chemicals: Chemical substances reported to the administration according to the PRTR Law. (Japanese Domestic Law)
  3. GHG(CO2 equivalent): Greenhouse gases converted to CO2 amounts using the global warming potential. (CH4, HFC, PFC, SF6, NF3, N2O)
  4. NOx: Nitrogen oxides. Causative agent of photochemical smog and acid rain.
  5. SOx: Sulfur oxides. Causative agent of asthma and acid rain.
  6. Particulates: Microscopic solid matter contained in exhaust gas generated through combustion. Larger particles reduce visibility, while smaller particles are respiratory organs and other health impacting substance.
  7. Waste: valuables and wastes
  8. COD: Chemical oxygen demand. An indicator used for environmental standards for organic matter in marine areas and lakes.
  9. BOD: Biochemical oxygen demand. An indicator used in environmental standards for organic matter in rivers.
  10. SS: Suspended solids in water. An indicator used for the turbidity of water used in environmental standards for insoluble substances in water.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions of MinebeaMitsumi Group

CO2 equivalent emissions of greenhouse gases (Total and Per Basic Sales Unit)

graph : CO2 equivalent emissions of greenhouse gases (Total and Per Basic Sales Unit)

* Changed the Scope2 calculation method from location-based to market-based, retroactively up to the fiscal year ended March 2020

For the fiscal year ended March 2024, the Group's overall greenhouse gas emissions were 868,140 tons of CO2 equivalent, an increase of 0.8% from the previous fiscal year. Despite an 8.5% increase in sales, the increase was limited by a lower CO2 emission coefficient for electricity, improved production efficiency, and the introduction of renewable energy.

Greenhouse gas emissions per unit of sales were 0.619 tons per million yen, a 7.2% decrease compared to the previous fiscal year, as the rate of increase in CO2-equivalent emissions was less than the rate of increase in sales.

Supply chain emissions (Scope1,2,3)

Scope1 99
Scope2 * 769
Scope3 34,360 [Scope3 Calculation method for each category]
Category 1Purchased goods and services 4,127 Purchase price × emission coefficient
Category 2Capital goods 278 Amount of purchased capital goods × emission coefficient
Category 3Fuel-and energy-related activities (not included in scope 1 or scope 2) 113 Energy used(fuel and electricity) × emission coefficient for each type
Category 4Upstream transportation and distribution 237 Transport weight × transport distance and fuel consumption × emission coefficient for each type
Category 5Waste generated in operations 15 Amount of waste × emission coefficient for each type
Category 6Business travel 14 Number of employees × emission coefficient
Category 7Employee commuting 50 Number of workdays by work type and city category × emission coefficient for each type
Category 8Uptream leased assets Not applicable
Category 9Downstream transportation and distribution 0.2 Transport weight and transport distance of our finished products and fuel consumption × emission coefficient
Category 10Processing of sold products 579 Manufacturing cost of our products × emission coefficient
Category 11Use of sold products 28,938 Lifetime electricity consumption of our product × emission coefficient
Category 12End-of-life treatment of sold products 7.1 Sales of our products × emission coefficient
Category 13Downstream leased assets Not applicable
Category 14Franchises Not applicable
Category 15Invesments 2.8 Scope1,2 emissions of investment target companies × company's shareholding ratio

*: Market-base   ●: Data Verified by Third party

Results of FY3/2024 Initiatives

For the fiscal year ended March 2024, 122,978 tons of steel and 37,393 tons of resin were used, and the total amount an increase of 6.3% compared with the previous year as sales increased.
The amount of "Transported outside the company as waste" totaled 109,183 tons, an increase of 3.0% from the previous year. In addition, the amount of sludge for "Disposed of as landfill" improved by more than 1,000 tons from the previous fiscal year (FY2023/3: 5,135ton), the main reason for this was that sludge that had previously been directly landfilled at the plant in Thailand was able to be converted to incineration.

Waste Processed (FY3/2024 Actual)

graph : Waste Processed (FY3/2024 Actual)

Transported outside the company as waste

graph : Transported outside the company as waste

Flow of Waste Generated by MinebeaMitsumi Group and Confirmation Methods

Flow of Waste Generated by MinebeaMitsumi Group and Confirmation Methods

Water Usage of MinebeaMitsumi Group

Water consumption

image : Water consumption

For the fiscal year ended March 2024, the Group's water consumption was 8,955,482㎥, an increase of 3.9% compared to the previous fiscal year.
At our mass production plants in Thailand and China, we are recycling water inside the plants to the greatest extent possible and prevent external emissions through our "Plant Wastewater Zero System".

Management of PRTR-controlled Substances (Japan)

In accordance with the Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) Law, all of our places of business in Japan manage the amounts of PRTR-controlled substances used and transported.

Reported Results for FY3/2024

(Units: ton)
Control number CAS No. Substance name Volume handled Emission Volumes Transfer volumes Volume consumed Removal treatment
Air Water Landfill Waste Sewerage
20 141-43-5 2-Aminoethanol 2.90 0 0 0 2.90 0 0 0
53 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 3.91 3.91 0 0 0 0 0 0
80 1330-20-7 Xylene 4.96 3.77 0 0 1.19 0 0 0
213 127-19-5 N,N-
2.94 0.12 0 0 2.82 0 0 0
300 108-88-3 Toluene 9.42 9.42 0 0 0 0 0 0
343 120-80-9 Catechol 1.61 0 0 0 1.61 0 0 0
349 108-95-2 Phenol 1.35 0.05 0 0 1.30 0 0 0
374 - Hydrogen fluoride and its water-soluble salts 38.69 0.25 0.49 0 5.80 1.32 0 30.83
438 1321-94-4 Methylnaphthalene 3.23 0.06 0 0 3.17 0 0 0
691 25551-13-7 Trimethylbenzene 1.71 1.71 0 0 0 0 0 0
737 108-10-1 Methyl isobutyl ketone 2.95 2.95 0 0 0 0 0 0
746 872-50-4 N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone 1.78 0.07 0 0 1.71 0 0 0
Total 75.45 22.80 21.82 0 30.83

Environmental Accounting of the MinebeaMitsumi Group

Environmental conservation costs

graph : Environmental conservation costs

The Group conducts environmental accounting to confirm its costs for environmental protection activities.The Japanese Ministry of the Environmental Accounting Guidelines 2005 is used as a reference.

The Group's environmental conservation costs totaled 9.5 billion yen in FY3/2024, an increase compared to the previous year.

FY3/2024 Environmental Conservation Costs

(Unit: million yen)
Environmental Protection Activity Costs Total
Category Activity Investment Expense
1 Costs to minimize the environmental impact from manufacturing and service activities within the business area As set forth in breakdown for (1), (2), and (3) 3,558 5,158
(Business area costs)
Breakdown (1) Pollution prevention costs Costs related to installation, disposal, operation, maintenance, management, etc. of facilities to prevent water and air pollution 191 1,409
(2) Environmental protection costs Costs for installation of ozone-depleting substance (ODS)-free water-based cleaning facilities, high-efficiency freezers, Installing transformers and air compressors, switching to LED lighting ,depreciation, operating and maintenance costs, etc. 2,981 2,780
(3) Resource recycling costs Equipment and costs for waste disposal and recycling 386 969
2 Costs to reduce environmental burden in upstream and downstream processes caused by manufacturing or services activities Costs related to analyzer installation and materials analysis as part of the Green Procurement Program; printing and revenue stamp costs for contracts with suppliers, etc. 2 153
(Upstream/downstream costs)
3 Administrative activity-related environmental conservation costs (Administrative costs) Personnel, maintenance and management costs for environmental management system, etc. 23 602
4 R&D activity-related environmental conservation costs (R&D costs) Costs related to the research and development of water-based cleaning facilities, etc. 0 0
5 Community activity-related environmental conservation costs (Community activity costs) Costs related to greening programs, landscape preservation, etc. 0 13
6 Environmental remediation-related costs Costs related to soil replacement and operation, maintenance and depreciation of water-based cleaning facilities for the remediation of soil 1 6
(Environmental remediation costs)
Total 3,584 5,932
Yen exchange rates :
1USD=¥143.31 1EUR=¥155.18 1THB=¥4.08   1CNY=¥20.03
1SGD=¥106.54 1GBP=¥179.44 1MYR=¥30.97 1PHP=¥2.59

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