Environmental Management  Back Number (2017)

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MinebeaMitsumi’s Environmental Accounting

image : Environmental Protection Costs, FY2012–FY2016The MinebeaMitsumi Group conducts environmental accounting to confirm its costs for environmental protection activities and the effect of its investments. The Japanese Ministry of the Environment's Environmental Accounting Guidelines 2005 is used as a reference. The MinebeaMitsumi Group's environmental conservation costs totaled 5,715 million yen in FY2016, an 8% decrease over FY2015 due to reduced investment costs.

FY2016 Environmental Conservation Costs

(Unit: million yen)
Environmental Protection Activity Costs Total
Category Activity Investment Expense
1 Costs to minimize the environmental impact from manufacturing and service activities within the business area As set forth in breakdown for (1), (2), and (3) 910 3,506
(Business area costs)
Breakdown (1) Pollution prevention costs Costs related to installation, disposal, operation, maintenance, management, etc. of facilities to prevent water and air pollution 337 918
(2) Environmental protection costs Costs for installation of ozone-depleting substance (ODS)-free water-based cleaning facilities, high-efficiency refrigerators, depreciation, operating and maintenance costs, etc. 375 1,891
(3) Resource recycling costs Equipment and costs for waste disposal and recycling 198 697
2 Costs to reduce environmental burden in upstream and downstream processes caused by manufacturing or services activities Costs related to analyzer installation and materials analysis as part of the Green Procurement Program; printing and revenue stamp costs for contracts with suppliers, etc. 0 157
(Upstream/downstream costs)
3 Administrative activity-related environmental conservation costs (Administrative costs) Personnel, maintenance and management costs for environmental management system, etc. 10 514
4 R&D activity-related environmental conservation costs (R&D costs) Costs related to the research and development of water-based cleaning facilities, etc. 0 1
5 Community activity-related environmental conservation costs (Community activity costs) Costs related to greening programs, landscape preservation, etc. 0 6
6 Environmental remediation-related costs (Environmental remediation costs) Costs related to soil replacement and operation, maintenance and depreciation of water-based cleaning facilities for the remediation of soil 1 610
(Environmental remediation costs)
Total 921 4,794
Yen exchange rates :
1USD=¥112.6 1EUR=¥119.0 1THB=¥3.2  1CNY=¥16.4
1SGD=¥80.1  1GBP=¥139.8 1MYR=¥25.4 1PHP=¥2.2

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