Latest Update : Feb.27, 2025

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The Fujisawa Plant hosts students from Kamakura City Onari Junior High School for their work experience program

MinebeaMitsumi's Fujisawa Plant hosted five second-year students from Kamakura City Onari Junior High School for their work experience program on Thursday, October 31, 2024.

The school provides its students with educational field trip opportunities in which they choose the theme for their work experience program, attend the program at companies in Shonan area, and present their experiences to the class.

During the program, students watched a company briefing video and took a tour of the plant. The plant also offered hands-on experiences, allowing them to touch our products samples and witness firsthand our initiative to promote automation using LEGO.

Although the time was limited, we believe this program left a lasting impression on students, helping them insight into the significance of working.
What is more, seeing their eyes sparkle with excitement, we could not help but imagine that one day, one of these students could become an engineer.

MinebeaMitsumi group will stay committed to maintaining its ties with local communities through such community support initiatives.

image : Students wearing the same uniforms as employees receive explanations at each site.
image : Students wearing the same uniforms as employees receive explanations at each site.
image : Students wearing the same uniforms as employees receive explanations at each site.

Students wearing the same uniforms as employees receive explanations at each site.

Date of the Event : October 31, 2024

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