Latest Update : Nov.25, 2024
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Tour of the Hamamatsu Plant by students from Shizuoka Prefectural Fukuroi High School
As in the previous year, on August 5, the Hamamatsu Plant hosted seven first-year students from Fukuroi High School in Shizuoka Prefecture for their summer fieldwork (interviews with professionals), during which they received an introduction to the plant and a tour, and young employees presented their work and answered questions.
The purpose of the fieldwork was to find their own answers to the question "What is most important at work?" through interviews with employees.
During the plant tour and visits to offices and laboratories, the participants learned how the components used in familiar electrical products are developed.
They also actively asked questions when the job description was explained.
A thank-you letter received later from a participant showed that he/she had a positive image of the job: "I learned that product development requires not only expertise and ideas, but also interaction and communication with people in various professions, and that it is not a hard job, but a challenging and rewarding one."
MinebeaMitsumi will continue to build strong ties with local communities through its social contribution activities.
On the day of the event
Date of the Event : August 5, 2024