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Tour of the Hamamatsu Plant by students of the Faculty of Engineering of Shizuoka University, a National University Corporation

On Friday, September 29, MinebeaMitsumi's Hamamatsu Plant hosted a plant tour for 37 third-year students of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, a National University Corporation Shizuoka University.

Graduates of the school introduced their work and deepened their understanding of our company through a tour of the plant and explanation of our products.

After the factory tour, a lunch get-together with young employees was held in the clubhouse, where they exchanged opinions and asked each other questions on both public and private matters to deepen their friendship.

In particular, when they actually had a chance to touch our newly developed products, everyone was intrigued by the high level of our technological capabilities and seemed to experience firsthand the excellence of our manufacturing.

MinebeaMitsumi will continue to maintain a close relationship with the local community through these social contribution activities.

image : On the day of the event 1
image : On the day of the event 2
image : On the day of the event 3
image : On the day of the event 4

On the day of the event

Date of the Event : September 29, 2023

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