Latest Update : June 27, 2022
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Participation in the 48th Mt. Zao Clean Operation by volunteer employees of Mitsumi Electric's Yamagata Business Division
On June 4, 2022 (Saturday), ten volunteer employees from Mitsumi Electric's Yamagata Business Division participated in the 48th Mt. Zao Clean Operation organized by Yamagata City. This was the first time in three years that the event was held due to COVID-19, and a total of 283 participants collected 100 kg of trash. The area covered by the event was Mt. Zao, and participants were divided into 11 groups to collect trash, empty cans, etc. along the ski and mountain climbing trails from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain.
Through these social contribution activities, the MinebeaMitsumi Group will continue to protect the natural environment and maintain close ties with local communities.

Cleaning activities
Date of the Event : June 4, 2022