Latest Update : Oct.27, 2021
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MinebeaMitsumi is awarded "A-" in CDP Climate Change 2020 and CDP Water Security 2020
MinebeaMitsumi was awarded the "A-" rating in the "CDP Climate Change 2020," and the "CDP Water Security 2020," a survey conducted by the UK non-profit organization CDP*.
CDP evaluates the company's commitment to environmental issues in terms of "leadership," "management," "recognition," and "disclosure of information," in eight ranks, with "A-" being the second from the top.
The MinebeaMitsumi Group regards "Reduction of global CO2 emissions through environmentally friendly products", "Minimizing the environmental impact of business activities" as its priority issues (materialities), and contributes to the solution of the increasingly serious climate change issue by improving the environmental performance of our products.
* CDP is a non-profit organization established in the United Kingdom in 2000, and cooperates with institutional investigators to require companies and cities to disclose strategies and data on climate change, water, and forests, analysis and evaluate the results based on responses, and disclose the results to institutional investigators and others.

Event Period : February 2021