Latest Update : Sept.19, 2019

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Cambodia Plant Plans to Reduce Waste Plastics in Employee Cafeteria

Waste collection, separation, and disposal are becoming a major social issue in Cambodia, which has inadequacies in its social infrastructure and education system. The Cambodia plant started initiatives to reduce plastic waste at its cafeteria, one of the first to do so in Cambodia. In March 2019, we changed the use of disposable plastic bags for fruit sold in the cafeteria to use plastic plates that can be reused, reducing the weight of plastic bags, which were about 160 thousand bags --or a weight of 312 kg --per month. In the future, we will consider introducing bamboo straws, reusable plastic cups and plan to further reduce the volume of plastic waste by 100 thousand units per month.

MinebeaMitsumi will share Cambodia's successful example throughout the Group so the approximate 100 thousand employees worldwide can work together to reduce waste plastic.

imgae : Fruit sold in a plastic bag -> Fruit sold on reusable plastic plates

Event Period : March 2019~

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