Latest Update : Jan.30, 2018
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NMB-Minebea Thai Ltd. Organizes a Fun Event on Thailand Children's Day
Thailand Children's Day is the second Saturday of January every year. NMB-Minebea Thai's Bang Pa-in plant welcomed about 2,700 children from nearby Pra-Inta Racha Municipality to a fun event on January 13, which is this year's Children's Day.
We used quiz questions and games to understand more about MinebeaMitsumi Thai Operation, environmental protection, natural resource conservation and waste separation. Also, everyone had a good time as we held a raffle and provided candy.
NMB-Minebea Thai Ltd. will continue to take part in such community activities in the future.

Staff (NMB-Minebea Thai Ltd.)


Books and environment brochures for children

Candy and souvenirs
Date of the Event : January 13, 2018