Latest Update : Jan.23, 2018
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NMB-Minebea Thai Ltd. Provides Waste Separation Class to Local Children
NMB-Minebea Thai Ltd. hosted a workshop to teach 102 students from the nearby Wadrurchai School and Watkumtae School in Ayutthaya Province the ins and outs of sorting trash. The workshop was designed to help the students learn how to sort trash and raise awareness of environmental protection.
Main activities
- Teach the state of Thailand's garbage problem, explain the consequences when garbage is not separated
- Conduct quizzes and games so the children can enjoy learning about waste management.
- Each school was given a donation of twenty waste bins and prizes for answering quizzes and games
NMB-Minebea Thai Ltd. will continue to support environmental education for the children of the next generation.


Playing games

Quizzes and prizes

Quizzes and prizes

Containers for waste separation
Date of the Event : December 19 & 20, 2017