Latest Update : Oct.28, 2016
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Matsuida Plant Awarded an "Excellent Plant Health and Safety Commendation"
Minebea's Matsuida Plant has received recognition as an excellent plant from the viewpoint of health and safety by the Takasaki Labour Standards Inspection Office of the Gunma Labour Bureau. (There were a total of 3 companies, including Minebea, receiving the commendation during this fiscal year from the Takasaki Labour Standards Inspection Office.)
The award was given to the plant due to the absence of any workplace accidents resulting in 4 or more days of lost work-time at the Rod-End Manufacturing Department of the Matsuida Factory since 1999, as well as due to no problems being found during a health and safety field audit.
Minebea will continue to make sincere efforts towards the conducting of health and safety activities.

Receipt of commendation

Certificate of commendation
Date of the Event : October 5, 2016