Latest Update : Mar.8, 2016
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Giving lectures during a school visit at Mochizuki Junior High School in Saku City
After receiving a request from Mochizuki Junior High School in Saku City, Nagano Prefecture, an engineer for ball bearing assembly, including a product certified as setting a GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™* title, gave a lecture during a school visit targeting first year junior high school students.
Through the content on the experience and career view acquired as a professional involved in producing products at the forefront of the world, this lecture will have great significance for the "work experience learning" planned to continue in the first year of junior high school.
The students were able to directly touch ball bearings and clean room suits, and along with the content of the lectures, they were very impressed with the things they learned that they could not get in ordinary classes.
Minebea will continue to contribute to local communities going forward.
* Please click here for relative press release.

Speaking to students

Students touching ball bearings
Date of the Event : February 23, 2016