Latest Update : June 23, 2015

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Saku and Komoro Area High School/Vo-tech Students Visit Karuizawa Plant

Minebea's Karuizawa Plant opened its doors to students touring various corporate campuses in Nagano Prefecture's Saku and Komoro areas. Organized jointly by the Saku Public Employment Security Office, the Saku Employment Security Association, and the Komoro Employment Security Association, the factory tour program is designed to boost understanding and awareness about local industries. Aimed at area youth, such as high school students, the program tries to provide young people with guidance in making occupational choices as it broadens their horizons on the work world and helps them find employment at companies operating in the area.

Getting behind this initiative, Minebea welcomed 44 participants, including two organizer representatives, on a tour of its factory.

Honored to have had a hand in shaping these students' lives, Minebea looks forward to participating in similar community activities in the future.

Image : Plant tour

Plant tour

Date of the Event : June 11, 2015

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