Latest Update : Apr.8, 2015
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NMB-Minebea Thai Conducts Stakeholder Dialogue with Local Community
NMB-Minebea Thai (hereafter Minebea Thai) conducted a stakeholder dialogue with the eldery club of Chieng Rak Noi Municipal District, Ayutthaya Province at the Chieng Rak Noi Municipal District Meeting Place in order to understand the needs of the community to develop. Twenty people from the elderly club that consists various people from the commuinity and four people from Minebea Thai's CSR Management Committee participated. The following was understood through the dialogue.
- Minebea Thai's operations are not causing problems to the Chieng Rak Noi Municipal District.
- The community asked for funding support for cremation fund. Minebea Thai decided to ask for employee's donations by setting up a Pha-Pah tree in canteen.
- For regional self sufficiency, the community needs jobs that generate income and improve living. The community will consider and decide the type of jobs and what kind of support they would need.
Minebea Thai looks forward to taking part in similar community activities in the future.

Stakeholder dialogue
Date of the Event : March 17, 2015