Relationships with Customers  Back Number (2014)

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Basic Approach

In accordance with the Minebea Group Quality Policy, the Minebea Group aims to fully satisfy customers in terms of quality, cost, supply capacity, and speed, working diligently to maintain and enhance its reputation as the most reliable component manufacturer.

As part of this effort, we place great emphasis on risk assessment at the product and process design stages, enabling us to provide our customers with products of consistently high quality.

Quality Management

Quality Management Framework

We have created a Quality Management Manual covering the entire Minebea Group as part of our measures to ensure the safety of our products and services and prevent accidents. The chief quality management system officer is the President & CEO, who is supported by the Quality Management Committee, an advisory body which assists in monitoring the performance of each manufacturing headquarters. The Group Quality Management Department acts as the administrative office for the Quality Management Committee. The department decides key issues and targets for the Group in consideration of the management policies, proposes collaborative solutions, reports issues to the Board of Directors and Senior Executive Officer Council, and provides quality management support and guidance to each business unit.

In FY2013, we also launched the Safety Regulation Council to ensure compliance with electronics safety regulations and share information on problems among organizations.

Quality Management Framework

image : Quality Management Framework

Risk assessment

Minebea is creating standard internal procedures to clarify risks and expedite response measures involving major products that are commonly handled by customers and could have a major impact on the company in the event of a recall or other problem. In FY2013, we formulated procedures for automotive products. We plan to continue creating procedures for other major products.

Quality Improvement Measures

Promoting Quality Management System Certification

The Minebea Group promotes the acquisition of certification for quality management systems (QMS) in each business unit. In FY2013, we acquired QMS (ISO 9001) certification for the manufacturing and assembly processes of the Cambodian plant's lighting device and stepping motor divisions, as well as the development, design and manufacturing processes of the NMB Electro Precision's industrial fan motor operations.

Additionally, two Thai departments received ISO/TS16949 certification, a quality management system for the automotive industry.


The Minebea Group conducts e-learning training on the premise that the enhancement of individual employee's quality management skills and improvement capabilities leads to the improvement of the entire Group's quality. As part of this initiative, we plan to launch the Information Motor Division's basic quality e-learning system on the Group Quality Management Department's intranet site now under construction to share the system throughout the Group.

Quality Management Team in Thailand

image : Members of quality improvement team

Members of quality improvement team

In Thailand, the Minebea Group has organized a Quality Management Team (QMT) comprised of representatives from the local business units. The team strives towards continual quality improvement by supporting the improvement of the quality systems and specific quality problems of multiple divisions in Thailand. The team uses a 12-point checklist to identify issues collaboratively with the local divisions.

In FY2013, we newly launched the Minebea Problem Solving (MPS) team to develop new methods for solving problems. The team worked with local divisions to institute a variety of measures aimed at raising yield rate and customer satisfaction. The team also strove to acquire various certifications in order to expand its activities.

Acquiring AEO Certification

The Minebea Group is strengthening and improving logistics management in order to perform trade and logistics properly and efficiently. As part of this effort, we are working to acquire Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) certifications. We acquired German certification in May 2014, and next plan to acquire certifications in South Korea and Malaysia.

Unified Manufacturing Labels and Bar Codes

Among our logistics management activities, we are unifying manufacturing labels and bar codes throughout the Group to prevent mistaken product shipments and raise the productivity of verification processes. In FY2013, we developed and introduced a system to unify labels and barcodes for all domestically manufactured products except ball bearings, for which a system was already in place. We will continue to make preparations to expand this initiative to all of our manufactured products.

Disclosure of Product-related Information

Most products from the Minebea Group are ultimately integrated into finished products that pass into consumers' hands. For this reason, we provide safety related information to our customers as requested. Also in response to customer requests, we provide information about chemical substances incorporated in our products, based on information obtained from suppliers.

For keyboards and some other finished products, user manuals include safety-related information.

Communication with Customers

Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Within the Minebea Group, individual business units conduct their own customer satisfaction surveys. The survey results are provided to the sales and development departments of each business unit. If customers should evaluate any criterion below a specific satisfaction level, we assess and implement improvements across all divisions.

Responding to Quality-related Issues

In the event there is a major quality issue concerning Minebea Group products or services, we refer to our Quality Management Rules and recall guidelines to take necessary measures in response.

In FY2013, we created an English version of detailed rules on internal Group procedures for dealing with major quality issues and distributed the rules to all of our sites.

Future Issues and Goals

Moving forward, we plan to bolster efforts to improve quality under the new promotion structure. Specifically, we plan to expand our framework to compile and analyze the results of risk assessments conducted for each of our major products, while strengthening the structures to ensure compliance with safety standards.

For logistics operations, we are strengthening management by unifying the model manufacturing labels and barcodes for overseas manufactured products and promoting acquisition of system certification.

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