The MinebeaMitsumi Group has established a CSR promotion structure, overseen by the Chairman CEO who is assisted by the Officer in charge of CSR. Its purpose is to better promote CSR activities on the basis of the MinebeaMitsumi Group's Basic CSR Policy and CSR Implementation Principles.
The Sustainability Management Division was established in April 2019 for the purposes of contributing to the development of a sustainable society and separating monitoring functions from executive functions to reinforce governance within the MinebeaMitsumi Group. Compliance Promotion Office, CSR Promotion Office, Internal Control Promotion Office, Security Promotion Office, Security Trade Control Office and Trade Compliance Control Office were aggregated to the Sustainability Management Division. By making reporting lines clearly separate and independent from business divisions, supervisory functions for the Group governance were strengthened.
We have also established the CSR Promotion Office which operates as an office for further strengthening of CSR structure and to develop activities for internal CSR promotion. At each work site, we appointed CSR Officers (head officer) and sub-staff in charge of CSR to promote CSR awareness and monitor the status of activities. The officers collaborate with CSR sub-staff to promote PDCA management* globally. Going forward, we will further reinforce our CSR structure across the Group to promote CSR activities.
* PDCA management: A technique for continuously improving management and operations through repeatedly performing Plan, Do, Check, and Act.