Disclosure Policy
This section is an explanatory section in order to assist the viewers of this website to fully comprehend our disclosure policies.
Basic Policy
We believe that it is the responsibility of listed companies to fully disclose information in a fair, timely, and accurate manner to all capital market participants, including analysts, institutional investors, individual investors, and the media. Besides, it is essential from the standpoint of corporate governance.
In disclosing information, we will provide timely and appropriate explanations and disclosures of business strategies, financial information, and non-financial information, complying with relevant laws and regulations, as well as stock exchange rules.
In addition, we are engaged in constructive dialogues with shareholders and investors in order to contribute to the sustainable growth of the company and the enhancement of corporate value over the medium to long term.
Disclosure Standards
Our disclosure is made in accordance with applicable laws and regulations such as Japan's Company Law and the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law, as well as the Timely Disclosure Regulations (the "Regulations") enacted by the Tokyo Stock Exchange ("TSE"). It is also our policy to disclose, as much proactively and fairly as possible, financial and non-financial information that does not fall under the Regulations, such as the contents of announcements made at an investor meeting, in order to better meet investors' needs.
Disclosures in accordance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act | Securities Reports, Semiannual Reports, Internal Control Reports, Extraordinary Reports, etc. |
Disclosures in accordance with the Companies Act | Financial Statements, Consolidated Financial Statements, etc. |
Timely disclosures | Disclosures of information about corporate decisions or events for which the TSE requires timely disclosure |
Other | Corporate Governance Reports |
Disclosure materials related to IR activities Integrated Reports, etc. |
Disclosure Method
Disclosure of information falling under the Regulations is publicized through the Timely Information Disclosure System (TDnet) offered by the TSE in accordance with the Regulations. We post each piece of information publicized on TDnet on our website promptly. A substantial delay in such posting on our website may occur due to the particular circumstances of preparation of tools and systems.
In disclosing information beyond that required to be released under applicable laws and regulations such as the Company Law and the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as well as the Regulations, we are endeavoring to ensure that such information is provided as much precisely and fairly as possible to general investors in an appropriate manner in light of the purpose of timely disclosure.
In accordance with the "MinebeaMitsumi Group Rules for prevention of insider trading", we handle insider information with great care in order to prevent from communicating important unpublished facts in dialogue with shareholders.
The regulatory disclosure to prevent insider stock trading required by Article 30 of the Enforcement Order for the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, is completed when information is published on TDnet. But when an information un-publishable situation caused by a system failure occurs in TDnet after registration of information at TDnet, the so-called 12-hour rule applies. In such a case, if you trade our shares, etc. based on information from this website-within 12 hours after the disclosure of such information on the website, you might violate the regulations for insider stock trading. Accordingly, when confirming any aspect of our disclosed information, it is recommended that you refer to both this website and other information sources such as TDnet.
Disclosure system
The Company shall designate the following members as the manager responsible for disclosure so that the disclosure of corporate information is carried out by these managers responsible for disclosure:
The officer in charge of HR & General Affairs Division and Executive Officers designated by the officer in charge;
The officer in charge of Accounting & Corporate Finance Division and Executive Officers designated by the officer in charge; and
The officer in charge of Business Administration & Corporate Planning Division and Executive Officers designated by the officer in charge.
The HR & General Affairs Division, Accounting & Corporate Finance Division and Business Administration & Corporate Planning Division, and each Manufacturing Headquarters (Machined Component Manufacturing Headquarters, Electronic Device & Component Manufacturing Headquarters and MITSUMI Business Headquarters) will comprehensively review and confirm the details of timely disclosure. The HR & General Affairs Division, Accounting & Corporate Finance Division, and Business Administration & Corporate Planning Division and each business headquarters are responsible for the preparation of timely disclosure documents.

*1 Corporate information to announce
- (a) Information required for disclosure per the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and the timely disclosure regulations of Financial Instruments Exchanges
- (b) Information other than (a) above that is considered to have a significant effect on the investment decisions of investors
*2 Disclosure method
- (a) Publication via the Timely Disclosure Network (TDnet) of Financial Instruments Exchanges
- (b) Announcement and submission of documents within the Kabuto Club of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. (press conference may be held depending on the materiality of the information)
- (c) Publication on the Company's website after announcement via (a) and/or (b) above (briefing may be held depending on the materiality of the information)
*3 The manager responsible for disclosure addresses inquiries after disclosure
IR Silence Period
To prevent any information affecting the stock price from being divulged during the preparation period of the data for the announcement of the accounts, we fix three or four weeks "IR silence period" prior to the announcement of the accounts. During this period, we refrain from making comments on the accounts or responding to related questions. If it becomes likely that the results will substantially vary from the previously released projection, however, we will disclose information by way of press release.
Future Projections
The Company announces its consolidated business results forecast for the first half and full year submitted to the Tokyo Stock Exchange. In addition, the Company may also provide guidance on projections so that investors, etc., can establish their own forecast of the Company's business results.
Presentations, question and answer sessions, documents published by the Company, and information appearing on the Company's website, etc., may contain current plans, outlooks and strategies, etc. In either case, any statements which are not a historical fact are future projections made based on certain assumptions and our management's judgment drawn from currently available information.
In case future projections differ from forecasts already announced, or if information does not fall under material information per the timely disclosure regulations of Financial Instruments Exchanges, the Business Administration Department will announce revisions to business results projections promptly when it determines such revisions to be material information, following the timely disclosure regulations prescribed by Financial Instruments Exchanges and Tokyo Stock Exchange.
Characterization of This Website
This website is open to, and for the convenience of, all those who wish to search for information regarding us on the Internet. We post the information on our website promptly after publication according to our policy to disclose information as fairly as possible. However, given possible delay in such posting due to internet technological failure and the like, we must characterize the disclosure of information using this and similar technology as a complimentary to traditional information disclosure. In addition, this website does not always contain all of the information disclosed by us. Furthermore, the manner of expression used for particular information may be different from that disclosed by another method.
You are requested to be fully aware of these qualifications when using this website.